Singing Guide: Fade In Fade Out

Singing Guide: Fade In Fade Out

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Chest Voice vs Head Voice

Before diving into Avril’s technique, let’s first understand the difference between chest voice and head voice. Chest voice is the lower range of our singing voice, while head voice is the high range above the chest voice. Now that we know the difference, let’s move on to how Avril blends the two.

Avril’s Vocal Technique

Avril uses a vocal technique called “mixing” to blend her chest voice and head voice in Fade In Fade Out. Mixing is where a singer utilizes both their chest and head voice to create a blended sound. In particular, it is used to sing high notes in a way that isn't strained or ‘pushed’. By blending chest and head voice, a singer can make smoother transitions between their different vocal ranges.

During the chorus of Fade In Fade Out, Avril transitions from chest voice to head voice smoothly, creating a warm blend of her lower and upper vocal range. This vocal blend helps her connect notes and create a more fluid and connected sound for the song.

While mixing is a difficult technique to master, there are resources that can help. One practical tool for singers learning to mix is Singing Carrots’ Pitch Training - Educational Singing Game. Using this game can give singers practical exercises for refining this technique. Additionally, understanding breathing techniques, like “breath support”, can also play a pivotal role in mastering the blending of chest voice and head voice. This article, Breath support, can be very helpful in learning more about breathing techniques for singing.

Songs to Showcase Avril’s Vocal Technique

While Fade In Fade Out is a great example of Avril’s blending of chest voice and head voice, other songs of hers also showcase this technique. Notably, “My Happy Ending” and “Complicated” display Avril’s ability to masterfully blend different vocal ranges.

In Conclusion

In conclusion, Avril Lavigne’s technique of blending chest voice and head voice is what sets her apart as an artist. Mixing is an advanced technique that takes time to master, but with dedication and hard work, singers can attain it. Using Singing Carrots’ Pitch Training and learning about breathing techniques will help to refine these skills. Ultimately, creating a vocal blend as effortless as Avril’s in a song like Fade In/ Fade Out, requires hard work, dedication and practice.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.